Search for tag: "carbon cycle"
EbA and AgricultureThis video is the first of three sector-specific insight units. In this video, participants learn about the importance of EbA for agriculture and food systems. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
16 plays
Key takeaways: From Theory to Practice: Implementing EbAThis video highlights the main takeaways about Implementing EbA. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
4 plays
Interview with Martha Roja-Urrego, Ramsar ConventionThis video is the forth video of unit 5.1 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and Xinyue Gu. What are…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Q&A | Bill McKibben | 2019 Mar. 28In this Q&A from the Climate Action MOOC, author and environmental activist Bill McKibben discusses the need for fossil fuel divestment and how best to engage the public in the movement to end…
From SDG Academy
4 plays
Challenges for Food Loss and Food Waste and Opportunities for ReductionEvery night, 795 million people go to bed hungry although we produce sufficient food to provide an average 2700 kilocalories every day per person. Four billion metric tons of food produced annually.…
From SDG Academy
771 plays
Ocean AcidificationThis chapter is about ocean acidification and explores the chemistry of ocean acidification, the consequences, and the connections within and outside of the planetary boundaries framework. Professor…
From SDG Academy
26 plays
Clean Energy and IndustryThis chapter addresses clean energy and industry as a key transformation for the SDGs. Professor Sachs opens with a brief discussion of rising CO2 emissions, followed by the energy components needed…
From SDG Academy
160 plays
Climate FinancingClimate science is a complicated topic because it covers a range of issues, but it involves, broadly speaking, the question of how the world, as governments and international organizations, will…
From SDG Academy
19 plays
Carbon Capture and SequestrationThis chapter is about carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), or the capture of CO2 at large stationary points such as coal or gas fired power plants, oil refineries, cement plants, etc. This…
From SDG Academy
14 plays
Energy-Related CO2 Emissions TrendsThis chapter takes a closer look at current energy trends, specifically the current dynamics of energy markets to see how we can decarbonize energy systems. In 2010, primary energy was approximately…
From SDG Academy
59 plays
What is the Global Carbon Budget for the 2-degree Limit?The greenhouse gas concentration that is consistent with the 2 degree objective is between 430 and 480 part per million of CO2 equivalent. The global carbon budget will only be calculated for CO2; we…
From SDG Academy
18 plays
What is a Carbon Budget?This chapter discusses how much anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions we can still emit if we want to live within the 2-degree limit that we’ve set using the concept of the carbon budget. A…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
The Relentless Rise of CO2Carbon dioxide makes up about 2/3 of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, mainly from burning of coal, oil, and gas. There has been a relentless rise in carbon emissions due to the use of fossil…
From SDG Academy
56 plays
The Greenhouse Gases and FeedbacksThis chapter discusses anthropogenic greenhouse gases and climate forcing. It is important to note that carbon dioxide and other emitted gases mix with the atmosphere and have an effect on global…
From SDG Academy
67 plays
Sustainable Transport SystemsIn this chapter, Edgar Galrao discusses transport, which accounts for more than a quarter of CO2 emissions in the world and is an important part of the decarbonization of the economy in the Paris…
From SDG Academy
36 plays
Putting a Price on Carbon, Part 2In order to create a carbon tax, we must be able to determine the social cost of carbon. There are at least two methods of implementing this social cost, including a Pigouvian corrective tax and a…
From SDG Academy
6 plays