Search for tag: "ocean acidification"
Our Ocean: A Finite ResourceIn this chapter we learn about the enormous contribution of fish and seafood to human nutrition, what the ocean provides us, and how its resources are finite. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
36 plays
Governing Ocean PollutionIn this video, you will learn how multifaceted strategies for governing ocean pollution can be. Ocean pollution does not know any boundaries but it affects us all and all parts of the world,…
From SDG Academy
118 plays
Existing Structures of Global GovernanceThis chapter is about global governance and structures to deal with complex global environmental problems. Governance is a set of complex interactions between state and non-state actors at the global…
From SDG Academy
53 plays
Justification for Planetary Boundary SelectionA planetary boundary process is an environmental process that is part of the Earth's regulatory system, helping it to remain in our current desired state of the Holocene. There are nine…
From SDG Academy
318 plays
Ocean AcidificationThis chapter is about ocean acidification and explores the chemistry of ocean acidification, the consequences, and the connections within and outside of the planetary boundaries framework. Professor…
From SDG Academy
26 plays
Hitting Planetary BoundariesThe sixth wave of globalization is the one expected to characterize the 21st century. In this chapter, Professor Sachs provides an overview of the Planetary Boundaries framework and discusses the…
From SDG Academy
859 plays
One Planet, One Ocean - TrailerIs the ocean the real final frontier? Humans have a greater understanding of the surface of the moon than they do of the depths of these waters. But what we know of the ocean proves it hosts a wealth…
From SDG Academy
390 plays
The Ocean’s Biological PumpHalf the oxygen we breathe comes from tiny phytoplankton that live in the sunlit surface layer of the ocean. They consume carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, but much of that is released again through…
From SDG Academy
94 plays
Ocean Change: A Mix of Interacting StressorsOcean change is an ongoing process but in modern times, human influence on the environment is much greater than any natural influence, which is why we call this era the Anthropocene. Ocean change…
From SDG Academy
77 plays
Sub-Seafloor CO2 StorageCarbon capture and storage (CCS) is a concept in which carbon dioxide that is produced from industries is captured and pumped deep beneath the seafloor. Klaus Wallman, a marine geologist, discusses…
From SDG Academy
96 plays
Ocean PredictionIn this video Mojib Latif and Martin Visbeck discuss how ocean knowledge and observations are brought together to predict future scenarios for the ocean and climate. This video is licensed under the…
From SDG Academy
73 plays
From Attitude to Action: Sustainable Ocean ManagementThis chapter examines the role that human systems - specifically human value systems and ethics - play on ocean management. In this chapter, we will see how sustainable development needs to take into…
From SDG Academy
94 plays