Search for tag: "fossil fuels"

Q&A | Bill McKibben | 2019 Mar. 28

In this Q&A from the Climate Action MOOC,…

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From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Energy: A Promising Pathway

To develop within a safe operating space, there…

From  SDG Academy 87 plays

Fundamentals of Energy and Petroleum

Carol Nakhle, CEO of Crystol Energy, discusses…

From  SDG Academy 9 plays

What is Globalization?

This chapter focuses on globalization and the…

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From  SDG Academy 959 plays

Investor Activism

In this chapter, Professor Sachs discusses ways…

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From  SDG Academy 239 plays

Unsustainable Industries

There are some industries that are entrenched…

From  SDG Academy 30 plays

Emergence of Modern Agriculture

This chapter looks at how modern agriculture has…

From  SDG Academy 90 plays

The History of Sustainable Development and the SDGs

Jeffrey Sachs outlines 50 years of sustainable…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 294 plays

Renewable and Nonrenewable Sources of Energy

This chapter introduces the indispensable roles…

From  SDG Academy 56 plays

Conflict Pathways and Determinants in Mining, Oil, and Gas

This chapter introduces two frameworks that were…

From  SDG Academy 46 plays

The 3 Pillars of the Deep Decarbonization of Energy Systems

How can we achieve deep decarbonization while…

From  SDG Academy 174 plays

Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Trends

This chapter takes a closer look at current…

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From  SDG Academy 60 plays

What is an Energy System?

While to avoid the potential consequences of…

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From  SDG Academy 40 plays

Comparing with the Potential Emissions from Fossil Fuel Reserves and Resources

This chapter compares the global budget for CO2…

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From  SDG Academy 12 plays

What is the Global Carbon Budget for the 2-degree Limit?

The greenhouse gas concentration that is…

From  SDG Academy 18 plays


This chapter is about the UN Framework Convention…

From  SDG Academy 43 plays