00:52duration 52 seconds
Dance of the Plankton
Learning about marine food webs is essential to…
01:03:53duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Q&A | Martin Visbeck & Jacqueline Uku |…
Q&A | Martin Visbeck & Jacqueline Uku | 2020 May 14
This live Q&A session took place on May 14,…
03:20duration 3 minutes 20 seconds
Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture
When humans first turned to the ocean to find and…
08:19duration 8 minutes 19 seconds
Fisheries Economics and Management
In the period from 1950 to the late 1980s, global…
07:40duration 7 minutes 40 seconds
From Ocean Science to Ocean Sustainable…
From Ocean Science to Ocean Sustainable Development
This chapter presents some amazing facts about…
08:44duration 8 minutes 44 seconds
Our Ocean: A Finite Resource
The ocean has always sparked human curiosity. In…