Search for tag: "sea level rise"

Conversation with Christina Gerhardt and Simona Marinescu, Sea Change: An Atlas of Islands in a Rising Ocean

Join Professors Jeffrey Sachs, Christina Gerhardt and UN Senior Advisor on Small Island Developing States, Simona Marinescu as they discuss human induced global warming, the implications of rising…

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From  SDG Academy 14 plays

Dance of the Plankton

Learning about marine food webs is essential to understand how the ocean provides us with seafood. Enjoy the whiteboard animation before watching Chapter 4.2 "Dance of the Plankton." This…

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From  SDG Academy 5 plays

Our Ocean: A Finite Resource

In this chapter we learn about the enormous contribution of fish and seafood to human nutrition, what the ocean provides us, and how its resources are finite. This video is licensed under the CC…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 36 plays

The Ocean as a Common Heritage of Humankind

In this video, you will find out how governance of the territorial (and coastal) waters of sovereign states differs from governance of the high seas. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA…

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Water Resource Governance: From Source to Sea: Accelerating Progress

This chapter examines the governance of water resources from source to sea and how we need to transform governance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the challenge of…

From  SDG Academy 10 plays

Water-related Ecosystems

This chapter discusses water-related ecosystems in the contexts of the SDGs and the water quality challenge in the SDG6 perspective and the dynamics from source to sea. This video is licensed under…

From  SDG Academy 4 plays

The Age of Discovery

This chapter looks at the beginnings of global capitalism during the period 1500 to roughly 1800, focusing on the first discoveries of sea routes from Europe to the Americas and from Europe to Asia,…

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From  SDG Academy 10 plays

Climate Change as a Planetary Boundary

This lecture provides evidence for why climate change is a planetary boundary, based on temperature changes since the Industrial Revolution. We have already seen 1 degree Celsius of warming over the…

From  SDG Academy 19 plays

Debates Over the 2-Degree Limit

There are two sides to the arguments over whether the 2 degree Celsius limit is the right one to have for the planet. Leading climate scientists, particularly Professor Jim Hansens, argues that there…

From  SDG Academy 8 plays

The Consequences of the BAU Trajectory

In this chapter, Emmanuel Guérin discusses the consequences of temperature increases that result from rising greenhouse gas emissions. Global warming of 4 degrees Celsius or more would have…

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From  SDG Academy 95 plays

Introduction to the Ocean & Climate

The ocean drives the climate of the Earth; only in the last 800,000 years has the temperature and carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere stayed within narrow boundaries, which are the result of the…

From  SDG Academy 187 plays

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts

Explains the impact on people that different levels of sea level rise would have. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

From  SDG Academy 47 plays

Seal Level Rise Projections

Looks more in-depth at what the realistic predictions of sea-level rise are for the different RCPs. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

From  SDG Academy 8 plays

The Melting Cryosphere

Looks at the effect of climate change on the cryosphere, particularly looking at the destruction of the continental ice sheets and their contribution to sea level rise. This video is licensed under…

From  SDG Academy 8 plays

Sea Ice, Glaciers and Global Sea Level

Covers climate change's impact on the cryosphere, focusing on the melting of glaciers. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

From  SDG Academy 19 plays

The Oceans and Climate Change Observations

Discussing rising sea temperatures and levels. It relates the rise of ocean surface temperatures to the destructiveness of hurricanes. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

From  SDG Academy 36 plays