Search for tag: "happiness"
The 2023 World Happiness Report: An Asia-Pacific PerspectiveThe 11th edition of the World Happiness Report (WHR) was released on Monday, March 20, 2023, the International Day of Happiness. First published in 2012, the annual report reflects a growing…
From SDG Academy
66 plays
Deepening the Impact of Education for Sustainable Development through Social Emotional Learning and HappinessGlobal Happiness Council Education Policy Briefs give us the space to re-imagine education to support psychosocial well-being of learners and educators as a foundation for effective teaching and…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Peter Schmidt on Moving Towards Well-being EconomicsAfter two years of pandemic, in the midst of the new armed conflict and geopolitical tension as well as an inflation and debt crisis, pursuing the 2030 Agenda with its Sustainable Development Goals…
From SDG Academy
19 plays
Implementing SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communitiesThe goal of SDG 11 is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In this video Paul Strickland from the La Trobe Business School contextualizes SDG 11 on sustainable cities and…
From SDG Academy
12 plays
Introducing SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communitiesSDG 11 is entitled Sustainable cities and communities. Half of humanity currently lives in cities. The amount of city dwellers is expected to continue to grow, both in absolute numbers and in…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
The U CurveLearn about the Happiness U-Curve, or the system that measures life experiences to determine when we have the most life satisfaction. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Introducing well-beingFrom Carol Graham, one of the first economists to start thinking about happiness and wellbeing as part of science, learn about happiness and its complex connection to our health, relationships and…
From SDG Academy
596 plays
Measures of well-beingSocietal progress is about improvements in the well-being of people and households. Assessing such progress requires looking not only at the functioning of the economic system but also at the diverse…
From SDG Academy
930 plays
Poverty reduction in East AsiaProgress in the fight against poverty has been made in the poorest large countries in Asia in the last 40 years and the pace of progress in eliminating poverty has been particularly impressive in…
From SDG Academy
490 plays
Korea's Development Standing Today by SDGsSDG Index Dashboard for OECD Countries. Learn about the SDSN’s illustrative SDG-based scorecard on the outcome of Korea’s developmental efforts over the last 50 years or so. This video…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Happy Learning! Education for a Sustainable and Happy WorldThis panel discussion, hosted by the SDG Academy, reviews the role of Education for Sustainable Development in achieving a sustainable and happy world. Panelists: Mr. Alexander Leicht, Chief of…
From SDG Academy
308 plays
Towards a New Virtue Ethics for Sustainable DevelopmentI think it's important that the the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interrelatedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to the modern…
From SDG Academy
182 plays
Youth and Food: New Entrepreneurs in the Food SystemsThis chapter discusses new sustainability careers in the agri-food sector, including robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and genomics. Current educational systems do not prepare…
From SDG Academy
37 plays