Search for tag: "unesco"

Creating a Global Knowledge Commons for Mission 4.7 | IFLA, UNESCO, SDSN | July 15 2024 | HLPF 2024

This side event session will formally launch a position paper by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), UNESCO, and SDSN on the importance of partnerships with…

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From  SDG Academy 13 plays

UNESCO's response and contribution to education and training change

The "Embracing a Culture of Lifelong Learning" report by UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) outlines a transformative vision for lifelong learning through actioning ten critical…

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Accelerating Multilateralism with Transformations in Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces

This SDG Action Weekend Side Event, hosted at UNHQ in New York, outlined the crucial role that multi-lateral Science-Policy-Practice Partnerships play in building global capacities to implement the…

From  SDG Academy 9 plays

Jeffrey Sachs | Implementing the UNESCO OER Recommendation, Transforming Education Summit

Jeffrey Sachs provides his opening remarks for the session "Transforming ESD: Implementing the UNESCO OER Recommendation within Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships" at TES Solutions Day. This…

From  SDG Academy 26 plays

Mission 4.7 Ministerial Panel: Transforming education for prosperity, people and the planet

To contribute to the UN Transforming Education Summit, Mission 4.7 convened a special Ministerial Panel to highlight countries’ work and commitment towards making SDG 4.7 a reality. The panel…

From  SDG Academy 19 plays

Intangible cultural heritage as living heritage

In this chapter, the definition of intangible cultural heritage as employed in the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is introduced. Intangible cultural…

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From  SDG Academy 10 plays

The Convention’s Lists and Register

States Parties to the Convention have the possibility to inscribe elements of intangible cultural heritage on international Lists. These are the List for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of…

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH and other related UNESCO conventions

This chapter will familiarize learners with the purpose and place of ‘conventions’ in international law in general and in the field of culture, in particular, as well as the obligations…

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From  SDG Academy 8 plays

Key concepts of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

In this chapter, key concepts used in the 2003 Convention are briefly introduced, such as ‘intangible cultural heritage’, its ‘intergenerational transmission’ and…

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From  SDG Academy 20 plays

Combatting Disinformation

In this video, Guy Berger, Director for Strategies and Policies, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector, explains the importance of addressing disinformation (also known as "fake…

From  SDG Academy 37 plays

Voices from the Field | Utak Chung, APCEIU

Mr. Utak Chung is the Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), under the auspices of UNESCO. The APCEIU works regionally and internationally to…

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From  SDG Academy 21 plays

Voices from the Field | Gloria Bonder

En este video de "Voces desde el campo", la psicóloga, investigadora y activista de género argentina Gloria Bonder discute la brecha digital de género y destaca las…

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From  SDG Academy 17 plays

The Open Movement

This video looks at the open movement, highlighting the need for transparency and collaboration and the principles of UNESCO's R.O.A.M. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

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From  SDG Academy 40 plays

Measuring ICT and Education: Data and Indicators

This video looks at the data collected by UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the challenges and opportunities that are faced when gathering data, with a focus on data for education. This video is…

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From  SDG Academy 109 plays