Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) is essential to conservation and sustainable development efforts across the Amazon, although its role is only recently gaining global recognition. This lecture…
From a research endeavour in 2013 to a Viable Demonstration Project at present, Cebu Technological University's mission of reviving a once dying cultural tradition and economic activity for the…
This chapter addresses how intangible cultural heritage can contribute to restoring peace and security in conflict-related emergency situations. Through relevant examples, learners discover how…
This chapter discusses how the knowledge and practices related to living heritage can contribute to biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and enhancing environmental…
The contribution of living heritage to quality education and lifelong learning is addressed in this chapter. Learners explore why the transmission of intangible cultural heritage in itself is a form…
This chapter discusses the interdependence between the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development. The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural…
This chapter explains the different ways in which gender dynamics operate with regard to intangible cultural heritage. Learners explore how intangible cultural heritage is decisive in creating and…
This chapter focuses on building the knowledge required to apply a gender-responsive approach to designing and implementing measures for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. It begins by…
In this chapter, Prof. Tiago de Oliveira Pinto explains what safeguarding measures are. He discusses the difference between general safeguarding measures, which create favorable general conditions,…
This chapter discusses the idea of safeguarding as ‘measures aimed at ensuring the viability of the intangible cultural heritage.’ Learners explore the concept of ‘viability’…
This chapter introduces a variety of ways of inventorying intangible cultural heritage, which is organizing and presenting information on ICH in a systematic way. Inventorying is often the first step…
A range of participatory methods for community-based safeguarding is presented and discussed in this chapter. Learners are reminded that community-based methods are important at all stages of…
This chapter begins by recalling that intangible cultural heritage does not exist independently from the communities who create and enact it, who give meaning to it and who identify with it.…
The close relationship between an intangible cultural heritage element and the communities concerned is addressed in this chapter. Communities are involved in the creation, enactment and transmission…
This chapter discusses the concept of communities in the context of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. It reflects on who the communities are and how they can be identified in relation to…
In this chapter, the definition of intangible cultural heritage as employed in the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is introduced. Intangible cultural…