The Indonesian government's Kartu Prakerja Program, launched in 2020, targets large-scale skill development, combining financial assistance for training courses with additional cash incentives…
The UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and the SDGs Center Universitas Diponegoro recently launched a new student program entitled the "1st International Student Leader Meeting"…
As part of the Sumatra Peatland Restoration program, Belantara Foundation helped to develop an integrated farming that includes cattle fattening, organic fertilizer, pineapple plantation, and…
At the end of 2016, Malaysia’s local currency bond market, the 4th largest in emerging East Asia after China, Korea and Thailand, stood at 1.167 trillion Malaysian Ringgits or approximately…
UNDP is working together with Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority to promote sustainable finance and working closely with the Ministry of Finance to strengthen the public finance…
Engaging with Islamic finance is a part of UNDP’s global strategy. In this regard, partnerships are forming in Indonesia and other UNDP country offices.
Through its Innovative Financing Lab,…
Upgrading of the University Science Malaysia (USM), consistent with the Malaysian Development Plan for 2001-2010, aimed at providing quality human resources geared towards the needs of the nation and…
Islamic Banks have played a key role since the 1970s to prevent harm and promote goodness in their financing activities and services. However, the focus has been rather narrow and confined to a…
BMT, Baitul Maal wat Tamwil, is an Islamic microfinance institution that originated in Indonesia. Its Baitul Maal unit runs the social function and manages the Islamic social funds such as zakat,…
From a research endeavour in 2013 to a Viable Demonstration Project at present, Cebu Technological University's mission of reviving a once dying cultural tradition and economic activity for the…
This video is the second video of unit 1.1 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and Xinyue Gu. What are…
Date Uploaded
6 February, 2021
This video is part of Module 6: How can we provide universal urban services and infrastructure? To fight climate change, Thailand is keeping up its development of public transport such as the…